Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone?

Our baby boy is now officially a "little" boy. Gone are the days of having a newborn. Enter toddlerhood. *sigh*

Baby George (I'll still call him that because Toddler George sounds funky) turned one year old on January 29, 2011. He has been such an amazing blessing in our lives, and I just absolutely love him!

I think back often to the day that I gave birth to him. Up until delivery, we had no idea if we were having a George or an Alexandrhia. It was so easy with Madeleine bc we were able to place her name in our family during much of my pregnancy with her, but not with little Bud Bud. The ultrasound techs couldn't tell what sex he was and they thought I was only 17 weeks pregnant at the 19 week ultrasound. FYI: confirmed by my dr, yes, I was 19 weeks along. Apparently the ultrasound techs just couldn't tell. While devastating at first, it turned out to be more fun in the end!

Since both of my pregnancies ended in c-sections (as will any subsequent pregnancies) it was really pretty effortless on my part. The anticipation was the only thing that was bugging me! I wanted to know what and who our new baby was. I wanted to hold and welcome "it" into our family!

The moment finally arrived! I felt the tugging and pulling of my dr and his intern as they removed our baby from my swollen mid-section. At long last, Dr. Maughan pulled the baby out, we heard it cry, and then Dr. Maughan exclaimed, "Congratulations! You have a healthy son!" I immediately started to cry bc I was excited! I was excited to have a son, but even more, I was excited because my husband was able to pass on his name. That was hugely important to him, as he was named after his dad. Though George was not my first choice, our son has fully grown into his name. :) I couldn't imagine him being named anything else.

Here are some pictures from his 1st birthday party. He was such a little gentleman and left his personal cake pretty much alone. He didn't make a mess, he didn't dive in, and he just wanted nothing to do with getting sticky and dirty. Fair enough! We moved on to presents and cake! My son is like his daddy. Not a huge fan of crowds. So when all the kids crowded around him while he was playing with the presents he became very clingy to Mommy. A combination of that and being tired. He pulled on some of the wrapping paper, but by the end Daddy and Sissy were opening them for him.

All in all, it was a great party! Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with Baby George and made him smile! Below are some of the pics from the party. I realized later on that I didn't very many of the actual party, mostly of him opening presents. Oh well! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Robin said...

He's an adorable little gentleman and it looked like a fun first birthday party! Love the pics and your blog family photo!