Monday, May 31, 2010

My Big Boy!

My best friend, Maryanne, let me borrow her Bumbo. A Bumbo is a rubbery-plasticy seat that infants can practice sitting up in. It has a high back for support, and there's a part of the frame that comes up in between the legs for additional support. So, we've been sitting Baby George in it to help strengthen his back muscles and get him sitting upright when the time is right.

Here is my handsome little man sitting up!

The Bumbo comes in especially helpful when I'm practicing piano. He can sit on the floor next to me (where these pictures were taken) on one side, and Madeleine sits on the floor next to me on the other side. I'm surrounded by love when I'm practicing. :)


birdeeb said...

Oh my goodness he is so super cute!!!!

EternaLeppert said...

Thanks, Birdeena! My biased opinion is that he is the cutest little creature on the face of the planet. Just sayin'.... :)

Jon and Maryanne said...

ummm....I agree!!!! Too stinkn' cute!!!! :)